Building Bridges in People
Building Success in Organisations

Our Identity

No-One is An Island -
It’s All About Relationships

SEE stands for Someone Else’s Eyes. Our mission is to help people see themselves - and each other - more clearly. Seeing the world through someone else’s eyes builds perspective, understanding and flexibility. Seeing another person as more than a collection of assumptions builds trust, compassion, and team work. It’s in the magic of human relationships that change occurs.

Our Focus

Superficial Interventions
Get Superficial Results -
We Go Under The Surface

We risk spending too much time describing, judging, and nudging behaviours instead ofunderstanding the underlying drivers. Staying on the surface is easier - but at best offers a symptom “sticking plaster”. Culture resides in the unwritten rules that sit beneath the behaviour. Without understanding and flexing those unwritten rules, we will not deliver genuine change.

Our Model
Psychological Flexibility

To help people confront Vulnerability

Vulnerability is often linked to weakness. Nevertheless, the highest performing teams in the world routinely explore individual and organisational vulnerability. Why? Because it helps us understand our inner strength. Revealing our inner strength allows us to be more RESILIENT.

Our Model

To help people confront Vulnerability

Transforming our kryptonite into our superpower
Vulnerability is often linked to weakness. Nevertheless, the highest performing teams in the world routinely explore individual and organisational vulnerability. Why? Because vulnerability helps us understand our inner strength. Revealing our inner strength allows us to be more resilient. Doing this with others demonstrates courage and fosters authentic relationships.

To increase Trust

The bedrock of all relationships
Trust underpins how we operate as teams. Becoming more open to each other builds the foundations of mutual understanding, respect and trust. How can we treat members of our team badly once deep trust is established? If we trust ourselves, our teams and the broader organisation we can maximise our performance and achieve clarity of purpose.

To explore issues of Culture

It may have killed the cat, but curiosity brings us back
Every organisation – just like the society it recruits from - is made up of people from a range of backgrounds, cultures  and ways of life. The only way to learn about an “other” is to be non-defensively curious about their difference. Encouraging non-judgemental openness between team members enables us to better hold all in mind.

To offer skills that build Psychological Flexibility

The only rule is that there are no rules
Rules make us feel safe in their predictable certainty. However, they can also get us stuck in ways of being and doing that are no longer appropriate to the situation at hand. By learning how to flex rules appropriately to the dynamic needs on the moment, we can take new, wiser, values-based pathways to more helpful and inclusive choices.

Our Process

Our process is transparent and accountable.



Seek first to understand…

Our cultural assessment uses a multi-modal approach to draw insights from: immersing our psychologists and specialists within your organisation, conducting rich interviews and focus groups at every level from the “shop-floor” to executives, producing statistically validated and normed surveys, and analysing the data you carry about yourselves.



Telling your story

We take all the assessment data and synthesise it to tell the story of your organisation, utilising psychological tools and theory. Our approach seeks not to judge but to understand. Crucially, we dig under the surface to examine the underlying drivers of behaviour to address root causes and not just symptoms.



Creating an intervention to meet your needs

We build psychosocial workshops and other cultural interventions to provide bottom-up transformation and take all your people on a developmental journey. We operate through the principles of co-design to ensure that the interventions “land” with your audience and continuously hold your organisation’s needs, language and context in mind.



Building an “in-house” provision

We train your people to deliver the package to your people. This creates a core group of culture change facilitators across your organisation to embed the work and empower your people to own their journey. Building an internal capability ensures that we create independence for you to continue the process.



Guiding and supporting you along the journey

We supervise your facilitators to make sure they're hitting the mark and are supported in their development. This grows and nurtures their talent and ability to sustain the work. It also ensures that we maintain ethical practice throughout.



Demonstrating impact and return on investment

We use university-level research methods to evaluate our impact and accountably demonstrate return on investment.



Seek first to understand…

Our cultural assessment uses a multi-modal approach to draw insights from: immersing our psychologists and specialists within your organisation, conducting rich interviews and focus groups at every level from the “shop-floor” to executives, producing statistically validated and normed surveys, and analysing the data you carry about yourselves.



Telling your story.

We take all the assessment data and synthesise it to tell the story of your organisation, utilising psychological tools and theory. Our approach seeks not to judge but to understand. Crucially, we dig under the surface to examine the underlying drivers of behaviour to address root causes and not just symptoms.



Creating an intervention to meet your needs

We build psychosocial workshops and other cultural interventions to provide bottom-up transformation and take all your people on a developmental journey. We operate through the principles of co-design to ensure that the interventions “land” with your audience and continuously hold your organisation’s needs, language and context in mind.



Building an “in-house” provision

We train your people to deliver the package to your people. This creates a core group of culture change facilitators across your organisation to embed the work and empower your people to own their journey. Building an internal capability ensures that we create independence for you to continue the process.



Guiding and supporting you along the journey

We supervise your facilitators to make sure they're hitting the mark and are supported in their development. This grows and nurtures their talent and ability to sustain the work. It also ensures that we maintain ethical practice throughout.



Demonstrating impact and return on investment

We use university-level research methods to evaluate our impact and accountably demonstrate return on investment.

Our Results

The Results we strive for


Healthier organisations, teams and people perform better. Our programmes improve performance by ensuring that your people can offer their best.


If our staff feel supported, understood, and have a clear purpose they want to stay. Our interventions ensure that your talent is retained.


When we trust each other, we build the highest functioning teams. Our courses improve group cohesion to ensure that your teams are psychologically safe and inclusive.


Stronger and more resilient individuals can better manage life’s challenges and flourish despite adversity. Our workshops teach skills and optimise the conditions for wellness.

and more...

Whether it is a desire for greater innovation, reductions in inappropriate behaviour or challenges in recruitment and retention, different organisations experience different symptoms of cultural challenges. Our results show that our bespoke interventions consistently deliver.

Our Impact

SEE Provides Thought Leadership in a Variety of Arenas.

Two Hats

Samuel Landau is a community rabbi and a trainee clinical psychologist. Here, he reflects on how wearing these two hats has required frequent consideration of difference, diversity and tolerance.

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As a society, we can vaccinate against mental anguish, too

In my privileged position as both a community rabbi and a clinical psychologist, I am often entrusted with the inner workings of others’ lives…

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Rabbi changes army culture with laughter and tears

Samuel Landau, a clinical psychologist and north London rabbi, runs workshops aiming to change the military’s culture after complaints of misogyny and racism...

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